Saturday, March 2, 2013

Her first photo shoot!


  1. What precious pictures! It looks like she was cooperative too! I am going to have to come by and kiss those sweet little feet soon...and her cheeks!
    Love, Great Auntie NeeNee

  2. Be still, my heart.
    Truly breathtakingly beautiful little baby girl...
    Love the black and whites, love the color!
    Thought for a minute she had a dredlock in one shot...
    Are there more to come? say yes, and hurry please???

    Guess Who

  3. BTW can you please take a picture of baby Ella's foot next to her Daddy's foot? I don't think we can fully appreciate how sweet and tiny her feet are unless we have something to compare them too.

  4. Who took these amazing photos? :-)

  5. She is such a beautiful baby!


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