Thursday, February 28, 2013

Nana and Auntie Jo meet the baby

We've had a wonderful week having family visit from the East Coast!  So much so that we've fallen behind on getting pictures up.  Here are just
a couple so far, with more to come!

Nana and Ella

Ella and Momma!

Im freakin out man!

Auntie Jo and Ella

Milk Coma.

Ella at the zoo!


  1. Oh my gosh!!! Her hair! I love her and can't wait to meet her!!! What a beautiful family you have. xoxox

  2. the yellow striped flowered pants...and above all...the pink slippers!!! She is really styling! ;-)
    Please say Hi to Nana and Auntie Jo...Love, Great Auntie NeeNee

  3. She is such a cutie! She looks so small in Andrew's hands. So funny.


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