Saturday, February 9, 2013

Sheep Shoes and Sleeping Beauty


  1. Thank you so much for doing this!

  2. She is so sweet...really "rockin" those sheep shoes! ;-)
    (I am checking the blog all day long waiting for new pictures!)
    Love to my sweet lil neice! Great Auntie NeeNee

  3. Love the blog! Can't wait to meet your little Miss!!!!! <3
    Love, Sarah Houston & Fam.....

  4. We are all so profoundly smitten with our new baby none of us have the words to express it adequately.
    What a treasure Ella is and how blessed each of us are to welcome her wholeheartedly into the family!
    Each of the four of us have independently attempted to put our finger on the "something" remarkable about Ella and we just look at each other and smile because we "get" how profoundly she has touched our hearts in this brief time, and know that we all are different, forever changed now that we know her.
    Run-on sentence? Yes.
    Dramatic proclamation? Yes.
    True? Absolutely.
    Maybe Stephanie said it best when she matter of factly shared while anxiously awaiting the arrival of her niece, "My heart is full of love."
    Maybe that covers it, ALL our hearts are EXPLODING with love.
    Jennine and Andrew? Well done!

    Duke, GG Katie and Stephanie


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